What is the source of the satellite field imagery in Bridge?

What is the source of the satellite field imagery in Bridge?

The satellite imagery in Bridge comes from Geosys. Here is the explanation from their website:
Geosys acquires imagery from Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2, which are both government run missions that provide free access. Additionally, we source imagery from a wide array of private satellite companies and have contracts with any relevant to agriculture providing scientific grade data. We build an acquisition program based on our customers’ needs by aligning our resources accordingly. This is a very different approach from our competitors who generally utilize one private source in addition to one or both government satellites – presumably because it is very complicated to accurately calibrate multiple sources and can become a time-consuming process without a proper system. Few providers intercalibrate the data and simply show imagery “as is.” Our proprietary processing system is source agnostic, so we can seamlessly take in imagery from any source for calibration, and it’s almost fully automated, so maps are available shortly after image acquisition.

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