Can I use my existing probes or equipment with ServiTech Bridge?

Can I use my existing probes or equipment with ServiTech Bridge?

We want Bridge to be a place that growers can view their sensor, crop, and equipment data regardless of the source! Unfortunately, it's not as simple as just flipping a switch to allow this to happen. It takes development resources for every source of data we add, so there has to be enough demand from growers to know that it's worth the effort and expense. Even if we do everything we can, we are still at the limits of whoever currently has that data in their system.

Do you have equipment, sensors, imagery, or any other data that you think belongs in Bridge? Let us know, and we will look into the technical work and partnership with other parties that it would take to make it happen!

Our first priority for bringing "outside equipment" into Bridge starting 2019 is for AgSense Pivot telemetry.
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